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Hunt Slonem Solo Exhibition | July 11 - August 4

The Grenning Gallery is pleased to present our first Solo Exhibition for world renowned artist, Hunt Slonem. This exhibit will hang from Thursday July 11th, through Sunday, August 4th. Please join us for an Opening Reception on Thursday July 11th, from 6-7:30 PM.

2024 has been a banner year for Hunt Slonem. The famed artist continues to be celebrated with extensive exhibitions from esteemed institutions like the Albany Institute of History and Art in New York, The Louisiana State Museum in New Orleans, and opening this November, the Telfair Museum in Savannah, Georgia. Moreover, the San Antonio Botanical Garden is hosting “Huntopia,” the first-ever garden exhibition from Slonem—allowing viewers to step into a whimsical world of plants, florae and Slonem’s larger than life sculptures. The Grenning Gallery is thrilled to be a part of Slonem’s successful year with our first Hunt Slonem Solo Exhibition opening Thursday July 11th.

Hunt Slonem returns to Grenning Gallery as the sole exhibiting artist in July with varying configurations of his iconic black and white bunnies. He, of course, elaborates on this subject in various colors, sizes and compositions. It goes without saying, these simple flick-of-the-wrist rabbits have become synonymous with Hunt Slonem – some say it’s his signature motif. These bunnies often sit atop one another, squeezing together tightly as if in anticipation for a family photograph. Although repetition is clearly a vessel for Slonem’s creative output, each bunny embodies its own individual identity.

Slonem continues the theme of individualistic identity in “Rare Species,” where he points out a singular winged beauty in purple, beside a flock of blue and white butterflies of similar stature, all atop a regal gold backdrop.

Brand new to the gallery, is the standout painting “Ocelots Salvador” – wild spotted felines sit and saunter within the confines of a flat pink backdrop adorned with blue spots. A maximalist composition accentuating bold patterns, colors, and the vivacity of wild animals. A picture which at first glance is fun; playfully pink and polka dotted, is also threaded with an air of danger. These rare, gorgeous wildcats are carnivorous predators – not the cuddly kitten that sleeps at your side.

Hunt Slonem mixes his own pigments, a specialty being his metallic paints. A recipe unique to his own studio, the gold paint Slonem uses shimmers with distinct excellence, vivifying his subjects with resplendent charismata. In “Dendrobians” Slonem casts a sprouting of tall orchid stalks pollinating atop a gilded setting. In “Dashing” and “Yard” Slonem shows us two sets of couples—a pair of owls and a duo of rabbits—in similarly striking gold paint.

Hunt Slonem has said: “Nature is divine and unique, and I’m thrilled to be on this planet.” A sentiment that reigns throughout his entire exhibition. The thrill is palpable.

Artist Works | 53 RESULTS