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Ramiro and Melissa Franklin-Sanchez | July 13th, 2013

The show will feature the latest works of Ramiro (b.1974) and Melissa Franklin Sanchez (b.1985). Ramiro is one of the gallery's most revered artists, know for his masterful depiction of the human form. Sanchez is a delicate and sophisticated painter whose works on copper plates glow from within.

Ramiro will exhibit a few selected works this year, as he is busy working on a major series of paintings for next year's show. Most interesting, however, is the groundbreaking dual portrait painted by Ramiro and Sanchez. Both husband and wife had a hand in this piece, one painting the other's likeness, resulting in a breathtaking image of the partnership. Standing together in an elegant pose, emanating an energy of quiet togetherness, the couple captures a visual representation of the vital sense of community between artists. This masterful piece is original on various levels. A rare depiction of a married pair of artists, this painting not only showcases Ramiro and Sanchez as a union, but captures a very 21st century behavior, collaboration. This joint effort demonstrates the deep humility these painters have about themselves in the face of creating art. Through a painting as such, it is clear to see that this new generation of artists relate to the world and to each other with more respect and less ego than many artists of the 20th century.

After last year's series sell out, Sanchez will again showcase a string of charming interiors. Painting on copper panels, using an Old Master technique, her paintings glow from within. Each dedicated to a different space in her Florentine home, these paintings not only provide aesthetic pleasure but a connection to the artist's environment and process. The viewer feels as if they could bask in the warm Italian rays seen in "Balcony," or prepare a meal in the welcoming kitchen shown in "Minutes." Sanchez's paintings transport the viewer into her Florentine flat, walk us from room to room, and leave us with a peaceful warmth.

Along with her interiors, Sanchez provides us with elegant florals whose rich, thoughtful colors call out to the viewer. Generous with her color palette, the artist visually enriches and informs her work with vibrant blues, peaceful lavenders and soft pinks.

Along with the dual portrait, Ramiro will also unveil a major nude, several beautiful interiors and select studies of works for next year's major show. Both will also exhibit a series of plein air landscapes from the East End and Italy. The exhibit will hang until July 28th.

Artist Works | 17 RESULTS